Norway, with its unique coastline stretching 83.000 kilometres. Boasts countless deep, cold and clear fjords that make Norwegian Salmon famous throughout the world for its first-class quality and taste. As a result, Norwegian Salmon’s distinct taste and delicate flavour make it an excellent basis for attractive and tasty dishes. This certainly plays a part as to why Norwegian Salmon satisfies the rigorous demands of the best chefs in the world.
Moreover, salmon is a great source of a variety of useful vitamins and minerals. Salmon is also rich in beneficial fatty acids such as Omega-3. Important research shows that people who eat salmon, subsequently develop a natural form of protection against cardiovascular diseases. Food safety is an important issue for consumers all over the world. Norwegian Seafood must meet the highest standards for seafood safety. The Norwegian system rests on international safety standards combined with a thorough national system for control and inspections. We know that our cold, wild and clean waters provide excellent conditions for high quality seafood.
In conclusion, although Norwegian Salmon offers limitless possibilities. People tend to think in rather traditional terms when it comes to using this salmon-pink delicacy. This recipe leaflet will give you a taste of how to use Norwegian Salmon. Regardless of whether you use it in everyday dishes or feasts, as something for the children or if you are feeling exotic. There’s always a place for Norwegian Salmon.
Furthermore, you can find more delicious seafood recipes and tips at www.fishcorp.no.
For more information about Norwegian Seafood regulations, visit www.fisheries.no.
To download the Norwegian Salmon Recipes Brochure, click the image below.

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